"I believe having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want"
Andy Wahrol
We have always cultivated with love and respect the environment around us, aware that a healthy ecosystem is the basis for obtaining high quality wines. It is for this reason that we have decided to take a path that allows us to minimize the impact that our work has on the land in order to leave our family vineyards in good health for us and for the next generations of winemakers.
In our company for several years now we have been adopting sustainable and nature-friendly agriculture practices, through integrated pest, mechanical weeding and natural fertilizers, which help us with the care of our vineyards and the protection of the ecosystem of the Lessini Mountains.
Every choice we take comes from the desire to not alter the natural balance of the environment and has as its ultimate goal the achievement of a circular economy, fundamental for safeguarding the future of the territory.
The pillars on which Antonio and Giulia have decided to base their work and their approach to the world of wine have always included attention to sustainability issues; through the adoption of innovative processes, aimed at producing wines of the highest quality and with reduced environmental impact; respect for the environment, its history and its traditions.

In Franchetto we have also been energy self-sufficient since 2010, thanks to a photovoltaic system that covers all the company’s energy needs. The photovoltaic panels, positioned on the roof of the cellar, produce 45,000 kWh per year and, in addition to representing an important economic saving for the company, they contribute to the protection of the environment thanks to the saving of fossil fuels and the CO2 emissions not discharged into atmosphere.